Whats the Song Goes Take a Chance Making It Happen for the Rest I Hate the Reviews
Proof Democrats Are Crazy, Insane and a Danger to United states of america All
Posted: Apr 19, 2020 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed past columnists are their own and practise not necessarily stand for the views of Townhall.com.
If you weren't convinced that Democrats are crazy, insane and a danger to usa all, I at present have clear and irrefutable proof.
It's hydroxychloroquine.
That's the anti-malaria drug that has get a weapon in our armory to defeat coronavirus. The stories of its remarkable success in the boxing versus this terrible, mortiferous pandemic are everywhere. They are no longer "anecdotal." This Trump-touted drug appears to be a miracle drug.
I'll get to all those stories in a moment. But showtime let me mention the latest Rasmussen poll, which shows that only eighteen percent of Democrats would take hydroxychloroquine if they were sick with coronavirus.
Folks, that's just nuts. Democrats are suicidal. They not but don't value human being life; they don't fifty-fifty value their ain lives.
And I'm not just talking about run-of-the-manufactory crazy liberal voters or activists. Democratic leaders are but as reckless, dangerous, ignorant and delusional. Michigan's Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, initially banned the drug for use confronting coronavirus. My own Nevada governor, Democrat Steve Sisolak, banned any non-hospital or emergency room doctors from prescribing it -- even though the doctors that use it regularly consider it safe and study information technology works best when used in the early on stages of coronavirus, before a victim lands in the ER or ICU.
And don't forget, that'south the whole point of this hysterical, reckless shutdown of the U.Due south. economy -- to end this illness before it sends victims to the ER or ICU. Don't we want to "flatten the curve"?
So why would leading Autonomous politicians ban it or reject to recognize its success? There's only one answer: Trump derangement syndrome.
President Donald Trump was the first to tout this phenomenon drug. He has urged doctors to utilise it on victims since the earliest days of the pandemic. That was all information technology took for Democrats to despise this lifesaving drug; run away from it like the plague; turn down to educate the public about information technology via the liberal media; and, in extreme cases, really ban it.
You know what you call that? Crazy, insane and dangerous. Democrats would rather let Americans die than give Trump a risk to take credit. Some might telephone call that murder, or, certainly, manslaughter.
Now to the stories. I can't fit them all. Just hither are a handful.
A month ago, New York Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was a guest on my national radio show. He had treated 670 coronavirus victims with a combination protocol of hydroxychloroquine, Z-Pak and zinc. But one was hospitalized. He urged every doctor and hospital to prescribe it at the earliest onset of coronavirus.
Zalenko returned as a guest on Friday to give an update to my national radio audience. He has now treated 1,450 coronavirus victims. Simply 2 have died (and one of them had cancer). He reports few major side effects. He calls the drug "safer than Motrin." Simply it should exist given, he says, at the earliest sign of coronavirus.
My personal radio agent, John McConnell, was hours abroad from death. He said goodbye to his wife. He was in the ICU about to be put on a ventilator when Sean Hannity and Dr. Mehmet Oz saved his life. Hannity urged Oz to telephone call McConnell's doctor and intervene. Oz convinced the doctor to use hydroxychloroquine. McConnell is now thankfully out of the hospital and on the mend.
My friend and frequent radio guest Joey Gilbert, former boxing champion, came on my bear witness this week to report both his parents were dying of coronavirus when hydroxychloroquine saved their lives. They both made a full recovery.
The media this week reported that a Las Vegas couple in their 80s were knocking on death's door and then made a total recovery because of hydroxychloroquine. And how a Los Angeles M.D. who prescribes the drug in combination with zinc has seen a 100 percent success rate: Dr. Anthony Cardillo, CEO of Mend Urgent Care, says, "Every patient I've prescribed Hydroxychloroquine to, has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free."
Information technology'due south happening across the world. Studies in France and Prc report on the remarkable success of hydroxychloroquine in combatting coronavirus.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal last week reported that University Medical Heart became the first Las Vegas-area hospital to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to high-take chances outpatients. They prescribe information technology and then send the patients abode. The results have been remarkable. Dr. Thomas Zyniewicz said, "Our outcomes in our ICU patients to date are amend than outcomes we're seeing from Italian republic, Red china, France and other countries."
So why are and then many victims nevertheless dying? Why isn't this drug beingness given to every coronavirus victim across America? Why are at that place notwithstanding doctors who don't know about information technology?
Why practise but 18 per centum of Democrats say they would use this drug if they were sick? Xviii percent!
Why is our economic system however shut downward? Why are we ruining the lives of millions of business concern owners and their employees while waiting for a vaccine that may never come, or prove ineffective, or even prove dangerous when we already have a safe, constructive treatment that has saved thousands of lives? And it can exist dirt cheap -- about $20 per handling.
We already take an constructive handling. Information technology's time to reopen the economy. Why are Democrats in deprival?
In that location is no reason for this irrational fear of coronavirus, not when about ninety percentage of those infected either get information technology in very mild class or don't fifty-fifty know they had it; not when 98 percent of those infected recover; not when many of usa have already developed so-called herd immunity; and not when those who are left -- the elderly, the sick, the immunocompromised -- could simply take this miracle drug at the showtime sign of illness.
Why is anyone still scared? The respond can only exist one thing: Trump derangement syndrome. Trump touted the drug first, and so Democrats and their allies in the media hate it, ignore it or deny its remarkable success: proof positive Democrats are crazy, insane and a danger to usa all.
Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, entrepreneur, acknowledged author, nationally-syndicated talk bear witness host on USA Radio Network and the host of "The Wayne Allyn Root Show" on Newsmax TV nightly at 11 PM ET/8 PM Pacific.
Source: https://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2020/04/19/proof-democrats-are-crazy-insane-and-a-danger-to-us-all-n2567164
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